
Durban Poison Marijuana Strain


Durban Poison Marijuana Strain

Durban Poison Marijuana Strain features energizing and clear-headed effects. It also is high in cannabinoid THC, which may hold potential in stabilizing insulin levels.

In the day and age of cannabis hybrids and radical experimentation when it comes to genetics, it is a challenge (to put it mildly) to find a true-to-form heirloom Indica or sativa. The Durban Poison strain sort of brings us back in history, originating from a long line of African sativas. This makes it one of the purest, most potent, energizing strains on the market.

While Durban Poison is ‘technically’ a landrace sativa native to South Africa, its genetics have been radically tampered with over the years – making it very hard to find a true heirloom variety.

Authentic Durban Poison marijuana strain wasn’t created by anyone in a lab, or thrown together accidentally. Rather, the ancestor of this strain once grew freely in the windswept plains of present-day South Africa, making it essentially an heirloom marijuana type.

Certainly, DB strain proves that weed does not require large amounts of complexity or genetic cross-breeding in order to boast ethereal effects; if you ever have the opportunity to experience a true-to-form landrace Durban, you’ll understand that the strain provides one of the most pleasant – and medicinal – highs known to man.

Simply put, Durban Poison marijuana strain is a timeless, iconic classic. With only a handful of other strains maintaining their genetic lineage throughout the course of time, it really can be considered prehistoric cannabis. Find out everything you could ever want to know about this hard-hitting sativa beauty in our complete, updated Durban Poison strain review.

What Is Durban Poison marijuana strain?

As mentioned above, Durban Poison marijuana strain is a pure sativa strain with origins stretching back to a single ancestral relative from the south coast of Africa. Pure-grown DB (which is in fact very hard to find) has a 100% sativa genetic makeup – nothing more, nothing less.

All things considered, there are many reasons why we’re all obsessed with Durban Poison marijuana. Some love its simplistic and clear-headed high, while others love it for its ancient roots and historical origins. Most of all, however, we love Durban Poison because of its pure, simple, sativa beauty.

This is an extremely medicinal marijuana strain that has proven an essential flower for patients struggling with a variety of ailments. In fact, you’ll find that DP is a consistent best-seller in many MMJ dispensaries across the U.S.

In terms of THC content, lab tests have shown Durban Poison to routinely clock in around the 17-26% range, which is pretty unreal considering that it has not been bred or genetically selected for in any way. Truth be told, there’s no way you won’t be able to feel this strain’s effects from just a couple of hits.

Historically, Durban Poison marijuana strain has become absurdly popular in places like Holland, where certain strains are capable of finishing their growth cycle outdoors – even in a colder northern climate. This of course isn’t the norm for a sativa, which is probably why it’s become such a beloved strain here in the northern hemisphere.

Nowadays, DB marijuana strain is enjoyed all over the world by all walks of life: young, old, medical, recreational, dabbers, vapers, OG tokers, and everything in between. Read on for all you need to know about the classic Durban Poison strain.

Durban Poison Review: Flavor, Aroma, and Appearance

The aroma of Durban Poison weed is a unique one, with a harmonious and balanced blend of spicy and sweet. It’s similar to your favorite cup of strong chai (it’ll have you buzzing too, just like caffeine does).

Expect tastes of anise, vanilla, spiced orange, fennel, and lemon, all tied together with a rich creaminess that can’t be beaten. You’ll experience these flavors on the tip of your tongue, settling in your mouth long after you’ve finished consuming this potent OG ganja.

The scent of DB marijuana is also pungent and earthy, with a little sugar thrown in the mix for good measure.

Most would say that Durban is pleasant but in a genuine and natural way. Durban Poison doesn’t reek of artificial smells; rather just pure mother nature working her magic to create something truly spectacular.

When taking a closer look at Durban Poison, expect to witness immense resin glands. The existence of this enlarged feature is in part what makes Durban Poison one of the top choices for concentrate extraction. The buds of Durban Poison weed are plump, circular, and chunky, giving the term “fat bud” a whole new meaning.

Also, expect to find trichomes all over the plant – these little guys stick to everything because there’s just too many of them on the buds themselves. Color-wise, the Durban Poison strain has the classic marijuana sativa appearance, with bright, sometimes icy green buds and orange pistils that rise up from within the crystal-coated sugar leaves.

The water leaves of a healthy Durban Poison plant are quite striking, featuring prominent deep green coloration that adds a pop of brightness whenever it is seen; the appearance of Durban Poison, in general, is classic and simple, yet strikingly gorgeous.

Durban Poison marijuana strain Effects

The high is very multi-dimensional and pleasant for most daytime activities, as well as night. This makes it an impressive medicine to always have on hand – no matter the condition or medical ailment you’re trying to treat.

Due to its pure sativa genetic composition, the effects of Durban Poison are probably unlike any you have experienced – unless of course, you are well-versed in trying out strains within the pure African sativa family.

The high is clean and energizing, and will not in any way leave your body feeling stoney or tired. This is what partially makes this marijuana strain a great any-time-of-day marijuana. It won’t distract your mind or cause you to lose focus, but rather keep you motivated and free from stress.

The high is especially cerebral, making it a suitable strain to consume whenever desired, even right before powerful workouts or heavy amounts of exercise. Also, you may have heard some say that the nugs act as a sort of ‘happy pill,’ lifting your spirits high and filling your mind with euphoric, creative thoughts that can last the whole day.

Medical Benefits of Durban Poison

The CBD content of Durban Poison is typically in the 1% or less range. Therefore, this plant isn’t ideal for aiding in the treatment of serious medical conditions (particularly seizures) – at least not for those who are opposed to getting stoned.

Rather, the high THC content of Durban Poison is brilliant at removing any of the physical or mental pain you might be experiencing from any range of medical conditions or mental disorders. Those who are experiencing stress, depression, and anxiety can benefit wonderfully from Durban Poison’s medicinal ability to calm down an overly-active or heavily stimulated mind.

If your symptoms are primarily psychological, the best method of consuming this marijuana strain is to smoke or consume a balanced dose of the strain – one in which you know is comfortably within your boundaries of marijuana intake.

Over-consuming pot of any variety when you are handling a serious mental condition can cause paranoia, or even heighten stress and anxiety levels, leaving you feeling worse-off and even more restless.

In order to avoid excess THC consumption, consume this strainresponsibly by starting with a small dose and working your way up only as needed.

Additionally, Durban Poison has worked great in the past for nausea, loss of appetite, and chronic pain. All of these symptoms are especially physical, so consuming something a little stronger like an edible, concentrate, wax, live resin, dab, etc. may have a substantially improved likelihood of providing therapeutic results.

Possible Side Effects of DB

The side effects of Durban Poison are very mild, at least in relation to the benefits that it can provide to patients and recreational cannabis consumers alike.

The most commonly reported side effects after consuming this strain are dry mouth and dry eyes; mild situations that are easily solvable by keeping yourself hydrated before, during, and after your high (as well as applying moisturizing and redness-reducing eye drops if you deem them necessary).

All in all, the positives absolutely outweigh the negatives with the DB strain.

All in all, the positives absolutely outweigh the negatives with the Durban Poison strain. There really is nothing extraordinary that you need to be concerned with unless you are the type of tends to experience anxiety or paranoia with high-THC sativas.


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1 lb, 1 oz, 1/2 lb, 1/4 lb, 1/8 lb


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